BackLinK Exchange.

What is backlink actually..?? haha... I'm just worried if you don't know how important back link to your PageRank. So, let me explain a little bit. PAge Rank Algorithms especially google pagerank work by calculating how much hyperlink on other sites come to your page. The more links to your site the higher your page rank. That's the hypothesis.. Look at the picture below. Imagine the coloured smileys as your website, and its hand as hyperlink pointing to other sites. So, which one is the highest page rank.?

So, I'm just creating this page to let you put your hyperlink to your page or website. Just copy the code below and put on any places on your page: for example on page footer,sidebar,post and so on. When someone click the banner link on your site your site will appear on this page. The higher the number of clicks, the higher the rank of your hyperlink here. Yeah, that's another hypothesis.

This is the code:

You can use CTRL + C to copy the code

Your banner link will looks like this:

List of BackLinks: